Sunday, November 22, 2009


i feel sorry for that person. the anonymous. guess she's just scared of telling me at my face. oh,i'm sorry lil bitch. anyhow, i have my mom to support me and my sisters to remind me of u peasant. and i have lots of good friends. do u?

despite of your famous quote "berlagak lagi bla bla" it makes me realize that yeah,maybe i have been bitching around but ur the one that got offended. i'm sorry..did i steal the spotlight? or did i just didnt see you when u went down the drain? call me gedik,whatever. ur a whore. and i think that's so far lower.

i could just smack your face because i know who you are.

but nah,my hands will get dirty because of your mask of hypocrite. and i need to clean it up and it'll be hard because it'll be sticky with sins.

i am currently writing in english so that your english will get more advanced for you to go to BLS. how nice right? i know. even though i maybe will not go to law faculty,at least i wont see your pathetic face everyday.

good luck bebudak baru nak naik. bububanana.

i know who you are.
