this is the scariest online game i've ever played.
take out your mic and webcams
switch off the lights
play it
and u will never sleep again. seriously.
click here
Monday, July 27, 2009
hotel 626
Posted by sabrina at 5:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
me as holly
where is my gerry?
i want my own gerry from ps i love you
Posted by sabrina at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
dear storyteller
she was the one that made me proud with malaysian's movies
she was the one that made me in love with mahesh
she was the one that made love between races look so cute
she was the one that showed the world who are the real malaysians
you will always be my favourite director,
i will always love u,
but god loves u even more.
Posted by sabrina at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
to mr.izzat hafizi
yang i post tu,yang paling bawah yang i dont know why u terase tah,tu bukan untuk u la. yang tu untuk my stupid friend ni yang taktau nak bezakan kawan and more than that.
well,i just nak cakap sorry.
to my other readers,do not ask questions. this is between me and this "pakcik" of mine. i need to post it here because,well,i'm too stubborn to pick up the phone,i sign out from my yahoo messenger without waiting for him to explain after he doesnt want to forgive me,he's too ego to forgive me and we like to stalk each other's blogs. dont we tuan?
forgive me? seriously.
Posted by sabrina at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
my whole things i hate about you
called me a lovey dovey,i dont care. shut up. just read.
i hate it when you look at me
i hate it when you stare
i hate it the way you laugh
and the way it can make me smile
i hate it when blue is your favourite colour
totally different with me which is purple
i hate it when i love looking at you
and the hurt i feel by doing that
but the part i hate the most
is that i dont hate you at all
instead i love you so damn much
it's making me smile and angau all the time.
well,i'm like give up weh. after waiting for 7 months,it's time for me to step down. cheh2..bukan ko perasan pun. sialan. marah marah here. weird. here i am,1.36am in the morning. very very hyper,with no more demam..just lembik and tak balance sangat jalan..tido banyak sangat..and thinking,maybe i should concentrate on my studies kot. ade la a guy yang akan aku kahwin but whattafuk..aku baru 19 kot. cinta cinta ini tidak wujud lagi. hanya kesakitan yang dialami. rhymes. sorry..i think this is one of the side effect of makan ubat batuk bernama N****..kene cencored babies..nanti kene saman. anyway,another..hurm..
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11...11 HOURS TO GO to eat my ubat batuk and tido mati dalam bus! yes! best nyer!! OOHH EEEMMM GGEEEE!! and kena jage my kura kura sebab die demam. sian2. who is kura kura? cannot tell la. dah sumpah atas pokok depan rumah kitorang yang i cant tell anyone. muahaha.
yes,continue with my "KONON nye heart broken story",yes,the shoe will be delivered in front of ur stupid face sebab aku kan kawan yang penyayang. or i will throw it away or bagi pengemis yang same name ngan ko supaya taklah rugi sangat. dapat pahala tuhhh..hurm..tak fikir lagi. ye,aku beli ko kasut. baikkan aku? ye. saya sangat BAIK. awak pula? sangat JAHAT.
thank god nak cuti ni. leh jumpe my friends kat kl. ZARITH,REEN,AIMAN(BF REEN PUN MASUK AH),SHIQIN,AND MY STUPID COUSIN,AKMAL(weh,balik tak minggu nie? kuar mari?) but i'll miss my ed,eikin,fatin,finie,hanan,ida and salma. :( miss me too tau korang(aku blackmail kang)
to my housemates,thanks so much for taking care of me when i was bedridden. especially to ed,eikin,finie,fatin,izzati,nad,adib and hanan..oi..korang nyer name tak ikut urutan fe-va-ra-teh ok? sayang sangat korang. :) aku cute eyh mase demam?..korang cam takleh lepaskan aku jerh...hahahahaha. but seriously,thanks so much. aku takkan baik if korang tak jage aku that pagi kol 3am tuh sampai hari ni. THANK U!!! MUAH MUAH.
kepada tuan bernama izzat,saya tak mahu lelaki menyakiti hati saya lagi (it's not like awak sakitkan) ,and saya taknak awak jadik rebound kepada that bastard and taknak sakitkan awak sekaligus. i'm sorry k? u deserve better. :) i'm letting u go because u baik, faham tak? i'm really really sorry.
mak,i'm coming home. ur favourite daughter. hahahahaha. *mati aku kalau kakak2 aku bace nih.*
so,for u guys,juniors and seniors from uitm kuantan campus sekilau and padang lalang..
Posted by sabrina at 10:05 AM 1 comments
aiya..demam la. i didnt go to class for 3 days already. classmates aku mesti rindu aku kan? muahaha. -_-''
anyway..i will update my blog when insyaallah sampai kl tomorrow on my lovely bed and being fed by my mom with hot bubur ayam..sedap nyer. ok,sorry..tengah lapar but malas nak angkat buntut and pegi bawah to buy some food. serious..tido banyak sangat aku jalan cam minah mabuk mane tah. serious..tak balance langsung. so hari nie..tak leh tido..biar darah jalan sikit. huhu.
update tomorrow k?
sabrina..the demam one..
Posted by sabrina at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
saya suka membebel. ada problem kah?
1.i'm sorry i cant update my blog right now because i have 2 tests this week and one forum discussion.
2.i'm going back this thursday insyaallah to kl. :D
3.gonna update my blog this weekend.
4.omg!! best nyer semester break is just around the corner.
5.sorry izzat,i dont know why my number jadik gila sket. :)
6.and yeah,i miss u la. :p
7.i miss home and mak. jom karaoke mase na balik ok? wuhu!
8.reen and zarith,sila sila angkat buntut anda sebab saya mahu kembali. yellow cab mari?
9.housemates doing fine. love them more and more each day.
10.i'm in need of water right now.
11.actually i dont know what to say anymore..but nak cukupkan 20 jugak.'s 1.56am in the morning and i have class at 9am and i need to get up at 8.00am. WAH.
13.i'm bored.
14.u,i miss u,u miss me? muahaha
16.i love monkeys. uk uk. :D
17.saya nampak satu kat teluk cempedak tadi.
18.i ate food at east coast mall and lepak'ed at the rooftop with finie,eikin and nana. yeehhaa!
19.please god,i need to study. test lusa. takut nya beta.
20.yes! 20 bebel'ans! :D thank u for reading!!
Posted by sabrina at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
best nyer!!
another 3 hours to go!!!!!
time now-3.45am!!!
Posted by sabrina at 12:45 PM 3 comments
let's just say
losing you is not as bad as i imagined about 2 months ago. instead of sadness..i feel relief. i feel i can see people again. woah. let's just say i have someone new and he's way, WAYYYY better than u. agak cool la. i thought i will kill myself if i cant be there with u anymore. but nah, i feel so much better. thank u for making me realize how pathetic bastard u are and how gatal u are. and i finally see it. wow. i think u have what u need right? and yeah,i have what i need. serious nice. thanks again.
thank god.
Posted by sabrina at 12:36 PM 0 comments
kuantan and the virus.
i just received a news about one of my course mate is a suspected H1N1 virus carrier. i'm so worried.
but to that person that i think i should not bring up her name here,
jangan risau ok? be strong. i hope demam biasa. insyaallah takde pape k? we all should pray for her. get well soon.
Posted by sabrina at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
aku memang bengang gler ngan ko edelin.
but i think i should just shut up and let u think who's fault it was.
sebab aku rase kite dah besar nak gaduh about stupid things.
aku penat edelin.
dengan problem kat kuantan.
so,please for god sake jangan rase ko nyer problem tu besar sangat.
orang lain lagi besar problem.
respect la.
Posted by sabrina at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
aku telah mengatakan "helo" kepada 300++ kawan kat myspace aku.
melalui comment.
kima tasih.
now u know how bored i am in kuantan!!
Posted by sabrina at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
a best friend of mine said..
love u!
Posted by sabrina at 10:30 AM 0 comments
it hurts alot. but camne ko nak tau pun kan? ko terlalu bodoh nak nampak. seriously..i just need to let you go. please..just let me do it. please. it hurts me so much.
Posted by sabrina at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
aahhh..the shame..
yes..from my previous post..i wrote about me being the student that gelak banyak. so..what happened was..we played a game..sherades and one of the topic was -SABRINA LAUGHS ALOT- like...dah la izwar's(my classmate) turn he was pointing at me non stop and people was screaming my serious i was BRITNEY! HA-HA. lawak bodoh. then he immitated i answer was SABRINA LAUGHS ALOT..but the other team couldn't guess the part -ALOT- so..they lost. thank god. hahahhaa.
but i the queen of laughter? serious buruk nickname tuh..
bagi nickname sabrina the queen of all the beauty! hahahaha. OK..LAWAK BODOH..
dont get emo here me..and u'll get ur own topic for the game..
sabrina,the queen of all beauty(ok..lawak bodoh)
Posted by sabrina at 11:45 AM 0 comments
great news with a lil sadness in it.
well..i got what i want for the last 5 months. MUET band 4. so,i just need to study hard and go to BLS. bachelor law something. but yeah,i cried like hell because i was expecting band 3 and my family was there to show some support. this was the first time i cried with happy tears on my cheeks. but when a bad news went alongside with my result,instead of joy,i was in pain. i was hurt. not like me,myself but a person in mylife was hurt. i'm sorry. until now,i cant stop crying.
seriously..i'm sorry..
Posted by sabrina at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
after class outing
after madam shima's class..we went to east cost mall. here's the pictures..malas nak cite. takde mood. :Sdalam class..boring sey
Posted by sabrina at 9:25 AM 0 comments
outing just after balik kuantan. nice aiye?
yeah..after 4 hours watching hanan sleeping. from pudu until kuantan's terminal..pergh..memang penat. hahahaha but all the penat hilang when ed ajak keluar and she asked to take us from the terminal with her car. YES! huhuhu. so..we waited about 10 minutes je. then ed took us.
we went to padang lalang and took megat with us. he's the only guy. in the car..ade me,hanan,ed,adik ed(lisa) and megat. kereta? citra. :D suka suka. same as my first sister's car. :p so..she drove to teluk cempedak but we didnt go to pantai pun. just lepak kat mcdonald and ate some lunch. and fatin and eikin was there as well best2. siap kene attack by monkeys. haha. the breeze from the it. i'll miss this place when i need to leave it after semester three...huhu..+_+"
after eating all the foods and lambaikan tangan kepada semua orang,we took off and went to megamall..we didnt do anything pun..i wanted to buy one pair of shoe..purple!! my favourite colour..but unfortunately..takde size..CURSE U...
after that..ed hantar me and hanan to east cost mall..and we met sarah and nana there. and also amir..ehem ehem..HAHAHAHA. we lepak'ed there and go shopping2 and i bought a flip flop..kena previous one cost about rm9..and semua orang tau lak tuh..malu sial. anyway..flip flop baru lawa..but lupa nak ambek gambar and now malas nak angkat buntut and take a picture of it. sukati la. and hanan bought a new perfume..tak puas ati...:D
tu jer. chow. :D
Posted by sabrina at 8:57 AM 0 comments
yeah...i know i love to laugh...alot...i mean..seriously ALOT. serious..pergh..memang ternyata betul sey. haha. i was writing an essay in my class just now and i was quite la..duh..i need the concentration kot..suddenly my english lecturer said..
ouch. haha. but serious..i love to laugh.
maybe you guys should try it..
instead of being a masam muka setiap hari...AIYE?
Posted by sabrina at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
crows zero 2
subtitle..IT'S NOT THERE..
f*** u internet.
Posted by sabrina at 11:02 AM 0 comments
rest in peace michael.
love u always.
Posted by sabrina at 10:23 AM 2 comments
aunt sayang's wedding
well,when i went back to kuala lumpur on friday the 3rd last week,i went straight to my aunt's house with my sister. there,i met my mom and all my aunties. why? we were all there to do all the bunga telur and hantaran and other talking to the future bride to be. :)
yeah..i was there to do bunga telur but i didnt bersimpuh like i usually imagine i would. lol. after lots of telur wrapped in the bunga was time to go and have some beauty sleep for the next morning.
the next mom was downstairs making the bunga seri mom tau nak buat..anak die taktau. huuhu. and the whole house was like kidda bising because we were kidda late. drove like hell..aku kene menyempit kat bahagian blakang skali dalam kereta citra kak eldest sister that has 3 husband and a maid..and termasuk my second sister pun naik was like raya..but no duit to shop after that. gettit? whatever
went to setapak's masjid for akad nikah and the persandingan was at my nenek saudara,wan chik's house. so..the wedding was awesome
nak kahwin!!
Posted by sabrina at 8:34 AM 0 comments
yellow cab
there are two branches of this so called pizza place-yellow cab. one in ampang and another one is beside the heritage row in kl. babe,this place is so cool. :) i love the delivery motor. huhu. so,i went to this place just now with mak,kak owi and kak nita. just a dinner with four gorgeous gals. :)
we took 2 pizzas. all of it was made from different kinds of pizza. like pepperoni and cheese for half of it and the other half was new york classic. nice touch of basil herb in it. i love it so much. but the service was a bit slow. we waited about 45minutes for the pizza and we were like the only customer they had at that time..
but it was fun. thank god i have a family that loves to take pictures. hehe.'s the pictures. enjoy.
Posted by sabrina at 8:09 AM 2 comments